The most successful people in any walks of lives may not be the most talented ones but are definately the most passionate & dedicated ones.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I think this is the word that seperates animals from human beings ,Morever the ability to express emotions which makes us civilized and at times uncivilized too!!!
So I think, albeit we come across frequently, it is worth to know our emotions. Researchers on emotions mostly agree on the existence of two types of human emotions:

1) Primary emotions
2) Secondary emotions

A primary human emotion types are the one triggered in response to an event, for example: Anger.

A Secondary human emotions types are the group of emotions that follow that types of emotions . If we experience fear , the secondary emotions would be : feel threatened or feel anger, depending on the situation we are experiencing.

Here is a list of positive [in general] human emotions:-
Love , Appreciation , Happiness , Hope , Enthusiasm , Vitality , Confidence , Gratitude , Patient , Trust , Vulnerable , Optimistic , Appreciative , Ashamed , Astonished

Here is a list of negative [in general] human emotions:-
Fear , Anger , Guilt , Depression , Pride , Jealousy , Self-pity , Anxiety , Resentment , Envy , Frustration , Shame , Denial , Offended , Negative , Regret , Resentful , Sad , Worried , Grief

Final thoughts...
Always remember that there are so many types of emotions out there. A life filled with emotions is a rich life.

Now go out there and enjoy every experience you have.

Cheers !!!

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