The most successful people in any walks of lives may not be the most talented ones but are definately the most passionate & dedicated ones.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Life at a swirl – from Noida to KalaAmb via Jamshedpur
(next is what ?)

A lazy looking guy (presumably boring) with substantial mass J, one who thinks a lot, loves to sleep, hates to share his food ‘n’ wine, on the verge of tying knot embarked on a journey around a year ago a which doesn’t seem to end.
Those who were out of touch and who didn’t got till know that who this person is (errr…) , that’s me.
As I logged-out of CSC in search of a lot of things (not to forgot the night-out with my Juniors), it wasn’t all that easy and frankly speaking, to my discomfort it was hell difficult.
The first month at XL was insanely jam-packed. If my memory doesn’t ditches me, some of us were shown the door by a Prof (see I remmeber the name but not writing it deliberatly J) in the three day orientation program itself without actually being at fault. And my sleeping pattern started right from the orientation program from the seemingly never-ending Economics lecture.
Though I am kindaa reserve type of person but somehow I feel that I am able to think independently and figure out things in my own way. And I didn’t dissappoint myself in that and soon after term-I and I was able to figure out how to tackle the barmy acedemic schedule at XL. At this point, I could recollect feedback from one of my best buddies – RV, when he mentioned that “no course is his favouriate, he hates all courses equally”.
International immersion was amongst the most memorable part of this journey which gave me an opportunity to step into foreign soil.
After a few of missed chances, I landed up into a job which I possibily I had never thought off. Decent money, a nearby location but still I kinda feel that I could have done better and rather I feel that I deserved better. At present, I am at a nice place (what the heck; this place sucks.. mountains, fresh air and a long walk ‘n’ that’s all L ) though not sure for how long I would be here though.
As I am on the verge of loosing but “single” status, I feel anxious, stressed, sometimes excited and I hope the new innings would be a special one.
Wish me good luck and god bless everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. Was feeling bored in office, wrote some things that came into my mind in an hour.
    My Height of laziness is that this time, I didn't proof-read it also! So friends, spare me for any typos.

    Cheers !!!
